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Voice of the customer: The emotional impact of sight loss

Insights into the lives of blind and partially sighted people in the UK and the issues that matter most to them. This report covers blind and partially sighted people’s experiences and perspectives of mental wellbeing, what they need from professionals and support services, and the strategies they use to maintain good mental health.

Key insights

The experience of sight loss has an emotional impact

The experience of sight loss can be emotionally charged, often compounded by a lack of empathy from professionals. The delivery of a diagnosis, and ongoing eye care conversations, significantly affects individuals' emotional processing and acceptance of their condition. Many individuals experience anxiety, frustration, and shock during the diagnosis, feeling isolated and lacking confidence to seek information or support.

There is a need for comprehensive support and better understanding among professionals

There is a significant lack of emotional support and guidance for individuals navigating sight loss. Despite the often traumatic and emotional impact, many individuals tell us they did not receive adequate support or information from professionals. Improved access to emotional support at diagnosis and throughout the adjustment process is crucial for promoting independence and wellbeing.

Peer support is hugely important

Peer support plays a vital role in helping individuals cope with sight loss. Sharing experiences with others who have faced similar challenges fosters a sense of understanding and validation. Establishing peer support networks and providing guidance from those who have experienced sight loss themselves can greatly benefit individuals' emotional wellbeing and adaptation to their new reality.