Your eyes
If you have questions about eye health you're in the right place. You can find information on eye conditions, how to look after your eyes and what to expect if you're diagnosed with sight loss. There is also guidance on eye tests, examinations and how to register your sight loss.
In this section
Eye conditions
Find information on eye conditions including symptoms and treatments. Our information on individual eye conditions is medically checked and is designed to be as useful as possible.
Looking after your eyes
Keeping your eyes healthy doesn't have to be stressful. Regular eye examinations and simple eye safety is a good start as our resources and guidance explain below.
Navigating sight loss
If you've been diagnosed with sight loss, we have resources and guidance to support you to live the life you want.
Eye health information disclaimer
RNIB is not a medical organisation, therefore we can only provide general information that is not intended to be a substitute for a proper medical assessment.
The eye care support pathway
The #EyeCareSupportPathway is a framework, developed by RNIB and partners across the sector, for the NHS, social care organisations, the third sector and the public to use to support the transformation of eye care and eye services.