Build a Christmas experience book

A Christmas experience book
An experience book encourages children to remember and recount an event or activity they have taken part in.
It can be as ambitious as you want – from capturing a magical moment in the day to summing up their favourite parts of the Christmas experience.
The experience book should be simple to create – your child can use objects they’ve collected from activities they’ve taken part in and, like a scrapbook, attach them to the page.
You can do this with Velcro, so that items can be removed and explored or – and this needs care and supervision – with glue or staples. Here are some ideas for what to include in a Christmas themed book:
- Add pieces of tinsel or other sparkly tree decorations.
- Use items collected from a walk on a cold day.
- Glue in a Christmas tree shaped from pine needles or twigs.
- Attach small pieces of orange peel, cinnamon sticks, star anise and so on to recreate the smells and experience of Christmas.
- Stick in some Christmas wrapping paper – bright and reflective if possible. If it makes a noise when crinkled, all the better!
- A picture of Santa is always popular – why not make his beard from cotton wool or faux fur?
A Christmas experience book will help a child with vision impairment with the development of their literacy skills and their understanding of concepts associated with the festive season.