Debit and credit cards
Paying by credit or with debit card is a popular way to pay for goods or services. There are two types of cards that might work for you: chip and PIN or chip and signature cards.

Chip and PIN cards
Most credit and debit cards use a chip and PIN system to cut down fraud by asking you to input a four-digit number into a key pad each time it's used. The numbers on the pad are arranged like a telephone and there is usually a dot on the number five key for orientation purposes. The "enter" key is usually in the bottom right-hand corner and is larger than the other keys.
Chip and signature cards
If using a keypad is difficult then you can ask for a chip and signature card instead. This is also known as a PIN-suppressed card. You can ask your card issuer for this type of card instead of a chip and PIN card. All shops should accept chip and signature cards because this is a reasonable adjustment to make to their service so that it's accessible to you.
Signature guides
You can buy a signature guide from our Online Shop that can help when using a chip and signature card or signing other documents like contracts or terms and conditions.
Speak to your bank
There are several options available to bank customers who have difficulty accessing their own money. Some people prefer to have one card to use at cashpoints and a second card to sign for things in shops. Or some customers may choose to have one card which has both functions. Speaking to your bank is the best way to find out what options are available to you and their benefits.
Learn more about accessible banking options such as online banking or branch and ATM banking.