Connect Voices Network
Get involved in RNIB’s work and help shape what we do. Whether it's completing a short survey, taking part in a quick poll or sharing your views in an online discussion, you choose how involved you want to be.
Join the Connect Voices online group
Our online group is the best way to join in with the involvement discussions and share your opinions with staff and other Connect Voice members. It's also the place to find out about the top involvement opportunities. To join, email [email protected] and a member of the team will send you an invite.
Current opportunities
Tracker Survey
We're looking for people with sight loss to complete our quarterly Connect Voices Tracker survey.
The latest survey is now out with a special focus on experiences of relationships for blind and partially sighted people. We have some questions around your views and experiences of forming and maintaining relationships such as friendships.
Participants who complete the survey will also be invited to take part in four short surveys a year where you can tell us about your experiences and views, helping to shape and direct our work on an ongoing basis.
For more information, here are details and a series of FAQs about the survey and panel.
Would you like to help improve the lives of blind and partially sighted people?
RNIB are conducting research to better understand the experiences of people living with sight loss across the UK today, and how those experiences affect their day-to-day lives. Register your interest and if you’re selected you’ll be asked to participate in a 30-minute telephone survey. These telephone interviews are being hosted by Revealing Reality an independent social research agency. We’ll use the information gathered from the survey to work out where they can have the greatest impact on people’s lives, ensuring blind and partially sighted people have the kind of support they need and helping people to achieve their goals.
To register your interest, please call 0800 009 6066 for free, or complete our online form.
Do you want your voice to be heard and have the opportunity to shape the work of RNIB?
We’d love to hear from people who are interested in taking part in our regular focus groups where we will be discussing the things that matter to our customers. We’re looking for a broad range of blind and partially sighted people from across the UK to take part in a series of online focus groups. There will be two sessions, each lasting approximately two hours 15 minutes (15 minute break included).
If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, please register your interest by completing our short online form. Or you can call the RNIB Helpline on 0303 123 9999 where you can ask to sign up to the Voice of the Customer Focus Groups. If you have any queries, please contact [email protected].
Read our Annual Involvement Report
RNIB’s Annual Involvement Report showcases how blind and partially sighted people from across the UK have influenced our work and research.