Remember a Charity Week
RNIB is part of Remember a Charity Week, 9 to 15 September, a national campaign to raise awareness of the importance of gifts in Wills to charities and the incredible impact they have on peoples’ lives. At RNIB, legacy gifts account for over a third of our income and help us deliver the essential emotional and practical support for people living with sight loss.

Meet Paul, who decided to leave a gift in his Will to RNIB. Paul was born partially sighted and was registered blind in 2008. “RNIB is important because it gives people with sight loss a sense of belonging and the comfort that someone cares. I hope my legacy gift will continue to give people with sight loss a voice and their independence.”
Gifts like Paul’s will help people like Dave live their life the way they want to.

Dave suffered a stroke in 2010, which resulted in him losing the right side of vision in both eyes, right homonymous hemianopia. “Losing my sight meant the loss of my driving licence, income and my independence. I was very lucky to be able to speak with an ECLO (Eye Care Liaison Officer) in Walsall where my stroke happened, and a stroke coordinator who really supported me. One of my favourite sayings is that the answers that you’re looking for are in the questions that you ask. The difficulty is knowing who to ask the question of. That’s where RNIB comes in with the Helpline, the ECLO, with befriending, Talk and Support groups.”
Find out more about gifts in Wills
Gifts in Wills to RNIB make a huge impact on the work we’re able to achieve supporting blind and partially sighted people. Order a free copy of our gifts in Wills guide, which includes handy FAQs, information on our free Will-writing services and more stories like Paul and Dave’s.