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RNIB collaborated with Havas Play to make the company more accessible.

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A training session was facilitated by RNIB, at Havas Play, to educate staff on how best to work with people with sight loss.

  • Who: Havas Play
  • What: RNIB facilitated a training session on how to work with partially sighted staff.
  • How: Session on different stages of sight loss and do's and don'ts.
  • Result: Havas Play staff learned about ways of working that they hadn’t necessarily considered prior.

This is a new area of collaboration for RNIB, helping to make the media sector more accessible. Havas Play works with clients across the entertainment, sports and technology sector to connect brands to their customers, through delivering integrated campaigns. Douglas Pratt, a Senior Account Executive from Havas Play, was keen to understand how to make the company more accessible so reached out to RNIB. Douglas has a visual impairment himself, Stargardt disease, so wanted to help Havas Play better understand how being partially sighted affects someone in the workplace.

“The trainer from RNIB explained ways that you can interact with people with sight loss and what they might need. There was really valuable feedback on the session.” - Douglas Pratt, Senior Account Executive at Havas Play

Dave Williams, Inclusive Design Ambassador at RNIB, facilitated the training session at the Havas Play office on how to work with partially sighted staff and explained how they can better prepare for the workplace. During the session he gave a presentation on the different stages of sight loss and do's and don'ts. The second half was more interactive, showing people how to guide someone who is blind.

“Creative marketing and branding isn’t the first industry where you would expect blind or partially sighted people to work, but we do. Havas Play recognises the value of an inclusive team culture to maximise the potential of colleagues and to connect with a diverse range of customers. I had the pleasure of being invited to facilitate a training session face to face with the Havas Play team. They were keen to understand some of the myths around sight loss, appreciate stages of adjustment, practice their sighted guiding and describing skills, as well as explore how they can start making their digital assets more accessible.” - Dave Williams, Inclusive Design Ambassador at RNIB

Changing behaviour and ways of working

During the session staff learned about ways of working, that they hadn’t necessarily considered prior. For example, in a meeting where someone’s giving a presentation, it's not always going to be easy for people to see the content if they’re sharing their screen.

Dave explained that it would be a good idea for them to send the presentation around ahead of the meeting, that someone who has a visual impairment can then load the presentation up on their own computer or device, then read it through it in their own the way to process the information. It’s also a good idea to make sure the text is large and bold enough.

“RNIB was great, we had a meeting, so that Dave Williams and his team could find out more about Havas Play and about myself as a partially sighted staff member in order to create a good structure for the session. They already had a template of how it would run, but then we were able to adapt that slightly to the information that I'd given them about Havas Play and myself, so that the session was tailored to our needs which is really important. So I thought that message coming across from Dave Williams and RNIB was pretty strong, if one of our clients wants to go down the route of visual impairment, then RNIB would obviously be the first place to return to collaborate with.” - Douglas Pratt, Senior Account Executive at Havas Play