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A young man standing at a bus stop reading information on a red smartphone.
A young man standing at a bus stop reading information on a red smartphone.


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RNIB Praises NIHF for Supporting Blind and Partially Sighted People

Social distancing has turned the lives of blind and partially sighted people upside down, with two thirds saying they feel less independent now than before lockdown.

Posted Friday, 25 September 2020 News type: News story

First Ever Museum Zoom Tour for People with Sight Loss in NI

Dr Jackie Witherow and Kathryn Thomson standing in museum foyer Sight loss charity the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) has been working with National Museums NI to ensure its four sites are more accessible for blind and partially sighted people.

Posted Monday, 21 September 2020 News type: News story

RNIB and Guide Dogs launch guidance on social distancing for NI

RNIB NI and Guide Dogs NI have developed guidance on social distancing for blind and partially sighted people in Northern Ireland.

Posted Friday, 28 August 2020 News type: News story

RNIB NI Welcomes the Accessibility of the StopCOVID NI App

As part of RNIB NI’s ongoing campaign to address accessible healthcare information, they have been working with the Department of Health and Digital Health and Care NI, to ensure that the new StopCOVID NI Proximity App is accessible. Particularly for those individuals with a range of physical and sensory disabilities. This includes the 55,600 blind and partially sighted people living in Northern Ireland.

Posted Friday, 21 August 2020 News type: News story

RNIB NI warns of "double lockdown" for people with sight loss

As lockdown eases, The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) is warning that blind and partially sighted people’s independence is increasingly under threat.

Posted Thursday, 9 July 2020 News type: News story

Praise for Ministers in getting "most important information in a generation" to people with sight loss

The RNIB NI and Guide Dogs for the Blind have praised the role played by Executive Ministers in getting vital information to blind and partially sighted people at this time.

Posted Thursday, 11 June 2020 News type: News story

How can someone with sight loss social distance safely in-store?

RNIB Northern Ireland has been working with local retailers to ensure blind and partially sighted shoppers can socially distance safely in store.

Posted Tuesday, 9 June 2020 News type: News story

Advice for blind and partially sighted people during coronavirus

The devolved government and the community sector in Northern Ireland have mobilised so they can help people who need additional local support.

Posted Wednesday, 27 May 2020 News type: Article

"Thank you for enabling me to shop safely and independently"

RNIB Northern Ireland has helped blind and partially sighted shoppers have safer access to groceries by working with local retailers.

Posted Tuesday, 26 May 2020 News type: News story

More good news for accessing groceries in NI

The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) has praised a local leading food retailer for the measures it is taking to support blind and partially sighted people during the coronavirus pandemic.

Posted Tuesday, 19 May 2020 News type: News story