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Are you really listening?

The equipment needs of blind and partially sighted consumers for accessible and usable digital radio. Access to radio is key to the quality of life of blind and partially sighted people. Research shows that listening to the radio is a favoured and valued pastime for many.

Posted Monday, 14 August 2023

VI Lives – understanding the experiences of people living with vision impairment

We’ve teamed up with two other leading charities to produce a new in-depth report into the experiences of visually impaired people in the UK. The report is called VI Lives and is based on hundreds of conversations with people who live with a vision impairment.

Posted Thursday, 29 September 2022 News type: Research Report

Sight Loss and Technology Briefing

This briefing brings together existing evidence on the role and uptake of technology by blind and partially sighted people.

Posted Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Interactive whiteboards: screen sharing with learners with vision impairment

Interactive whiteboards have become a standard fixture in most classrooms, but learners with low vision are still faced with challenges seeing what is being presented while taking an active part in the lesson.

Posted Tuesday, 11 July 2017 News type: Article

Smart glasses

Smart glasses help people with very low vision to determine distance and detect objects up to three metres away. RNIB have conducted research into smart glasses, testing them with over 200 people.

Posted Monday, 1 August 2016

Tackling Digital Exclusion: older blind and partially sighted people and the internet

Whilst the use of the internet has grown dramatically in recent years, particular groups of people in society are less likely to be online than others. This includes older people with sight loss. In 2011, BT supported RNIB to investigate the barriers preventing older people with sight loss from using the internet.

Posted Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Do we need 3D Audio Description Guidelines?

The success of 3D cinema and the launch of 3D televisions and 3D programming in the UK prompted RNIB to hold facilitated focus group discussions with blind and partially sighted people to find out whether they felt 3D visual effects should be incorporated into the AD of a film or television programme.

Posted Friday, 25 February 2011

Evaluation of partially sighted people's viewing experiences of 3D relative to 2D TV

As 3DTV evolves and changes the way we watch television in our homes, RNIB challenges the industry to take responsibility for researching the impact of long term viewing of 3DTV on partially sighted people. We must ensure that people's viewing experience is not diminished when compared to 2DTV.

Posted Wednesday, 1 December 2010