Reports and Insight
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Braille 200 report: Benefits and opportunities for people in the UK
As part of the Braille 200 campaign, RNIB completed research on the impact of braille on the lives of blind and partially sighted braillists. Speaking to adults who know braille, the report looks at experiences of learning and using braille and braille technologies and revealed more about how braille improves independence, employment and education opportunities and enhances social relationships.
What we know about education
Education is one of the known social determinants of health. School doesn’t only provide education, but helps with social, personal and technology skills that are used in employment, and everyday life.
Secondary analysis of the Millennium Cohort Survey
The Millennium Cohort Study is a research project following the lives of children born in the UK in 2000/1 with information collected from the child and their parents on a variety of topics.
Educational attainment
These reports cover the attainment gap between blind and partially sighted students and those with no special educational needs (SEN).
Local authority VI education service provision for children and young people with vision impairment in 2021
Children and young people (CYP) with vision impairment require a high level of specialist provision to learn on equal terms with sighted children. This report summarises findings from the most recent Freedom of Information (FOI) survey to better understand the provision of these services.
The Developmental Journal for babies and children with vision impairment (DJVI)
Structured early intervention can improve outcomes for babies and young children with severe vision impairment (OPTIMUM VI research project).
Transitions to adulthood: Transitions experiences of blind and partially sighted young people (Phase 3)
Phase 3 of the transitions study started in April 2015 and is following over 60 participants as they move from further and higher education to training and employment, and into independent living.
Transitions to adulthood: Transitions experiences of blind and partially sighted young people (Phase 2)
This longitudinal research project was designed in 2009 by a team from RNIB and VICTAR (Visual Impairment Centre for Teaching and Research at the University of Birmingham).
Certification and registration of children and young people
A 2015 study investigating the certification and registration (C&R) process for children and young people (CYP) with vision impairment in England.
Mainstream teacher training in accessibility
What are student teachers in England currently taught about accessibility, and how can we get training on accessible curriculum materials into mainstream teacher training?