Reports and Insight
Use the filtered search to find key research reports and insight articles on a variety of topics.
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Falls - costs, numbers and links with visual impairment
What is the number and cost of falls attributed to sight loss, and can clinicians prevent patient falls related to a loss of sight in the future?
Estimated prevalence of visual impairment among people with learning disabilities in the UK
Research conducted that looks into the estimated prevalence of visual impairment among people with learning disabilities in the UK
Do we need 3D Audio Description Guidelines?
The success of 3D cinema and the launch of 3D televisions and 3D programming in the UK prompted RNIB to hold facilitated focus group discussions with blind and partially sighted people to find out whether they felt 3D visual effects should be incorporated into the AD of a film or television programme.
Post-14 transitions support – a survey of the transition experience (Phase 1)
A survey of post-16 transitions from school into further and higher education, training and employment of blind and partially sighted students.
Evaluation of partially sighted people's viewing experiences of 3D relative to 2D TV
As 3DTV evolves and changes the way we watch television in our homes, RNIB challenges the industry to take responsibility for researching the impact of long term viewing of 3DTV on partially sighted people. We must ensure that people's viewing experience is not diminished when compared to 2DTV.
Post-14 transitions support – visiting teacher services (Phase 1)
A study of post-16 transitions from school into further and higher education, training and employment of blind and partially sighted students.
Wayfinding project
A 2010 report which aims to identify innovative solutions to existing barriers which hinder blind and partially sighted people when making journeys.
Low vision service outcomes
What models of vision rehabilitation are most effective and what are the effects of low vision service provision on rehabilitation outcomes in people with sight loss?
Low vision service model evaluation project (LOVESME)
Does an integrated approach to low vision services and rehabilitation have benefits for blind and partially sighted people, and how would such a system be defined?
Understanding the needs of blind and partially sighted people
A 2009 study to gain an understanding of the experiences, needs and expectations of blind and partially sighted people and how they can be supported.