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MPs learn about accessibility and assistive technology at RNIB event
On Monday 25 November, ninety MPs, including Minister for Social Security and Disability Sir Stephen Timms, and their staff, joined RNIB in Parliament to learn how to make their offices and communications more accessible for constituents with sight loss, by taking simple steps like adding alt text to images, and making their surgeries inclusive.
Blind voters excluded from voting in secret
RNIB Cymru’s Turned Out report reveals that only half of blind and partially sighted voters were satisfied with their voting experience at this year’s General Election.
Accessible voting still not a reality, RNIB research finds
Voting is a fundamental democratic right, but again our research found the current voting system simply does not work for blind and partially sighted people.
RNIB responds to Chancellor’s first budget of the new government
Today, the Chancellor Rachel Reeves laid out the UK Government’s spending plans, the first Labour Budget for 14 years. In the next few weeks, we’ll unpack all of the detail from today’s Budget and how it will impact blind and partially sighted people. For now, here’s our initial reaction to what was announced.
Care and Support Alliance tells Chancellor: “Don’t ignore social care”
Ahead of the 2024 autumn budget, RNIB joined the Care and Support Alliance (CSA) in Westminster, to tell the Chancellor Rachel Reeves that social care must not be forgotten in upcoming financial decisions.
Get involved in RNIB’s My Info My Way campaign
Read our update on our campaign for accessible health and care information, and join our campaign workshops in November to learn new skills and get involved.
Lord Mayor supports campaign to ‘See Change’ for people with sight loss in Belfast
Despite legislation to protect the rights of disabled people, blind and partially sighted people still face inequality accessing information and services.
New report calls on the UK Government and employers to commit to change
The ‘Changing Attitudes, Changing Lives’ report is calling on the UK Government to implement a Disability Employment Strategy that will improve employer attitudes and increase the number of blind and partially sighted people in work.
RNIB takes Cane Street to party conferences
RNIB has been at the Liberal Democrat, Labour and Conservative party conferences in the last few weeks to drive home to decision makers how vital having access to timely vision rehabilitation is for blind and partially sighted people. We’ve spoken to hundreds of decision makers, including the Deputy Prime Minister, the Lib Dem leader and two of the Conservative leadership contenders.
RNIB extremely disappointed at NICE response
NICE have rejected our call for defined national standards in vision rehabilitation. Earlier this year, RNIB launched our Out of Sight campaign, calling on the Government to commit to ensuring blind and partially sighted people who need support through vision rehabilitation gets it.