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Emerging out of lockdown is certainly something to sing about
A "virtual choir" of ten blind and partially sighted people has recorded their own version of The Proclaimers iconic 'I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)", the chart-topping hit that became an instant classic of Scottish pop.
RNIB and Guide Dogs launch guidance on social distancing for NI
RNIB NI and Guide Dogs NI have developed guidance on social distancing for blind and partially sighted people in Northern Ireland.
Public Health Wales issues guidance on safe guiding, social distancing and touch navigation
In a win for RNIB's World Upside Down campaign, we have received confirmation that blind and partially sighted people in Wales can be guided by someone living outside their household.
RNIB NI Welcomes the Accessibility of the StopCOVID NI App
As part of RNIB NI’s ongoing campaign to address accessible healthcare information, they have been working with the Department of Health and Digital Health and Care NI, to ensure that the new StopCOVID NI Proximity App is accessible. Particularly for those individuals with a range of physical and sensory disabilities. This includes the 55,600 blind and partially sighted people living in Northern Ireland.
Six ways RNIB have helped make businesses more accessible
We’re working hard to make sure that measures are being put in place to make businesses and supermarkets more accessible for blind and partially sighted people.
Iceland stores in Scotland offer priority shopping delivery slots to customers with sight loss
Blind and partially sighted people in Scotland who have been struggling to get food and groceries will now be offered priority access to online delivery slots from Iceland stores.
World Upside Down: Making sure coronavirus updates, testing and contact tracing are accessible
One of the ways coronavirus has turned the World Upside Down is the sheer number of new announcements and instructions the Government has issued to keep us all safe. We’ve been working hard to make sure this information is accessible to blind and partially sighted people.
World Upside Down: Educating the public about social distancing and sight loss
Social distancing relies on being able to see where others are, something that’s impossible for many people with sight loss.
Don't neglect your eyes by missing out on treatment
Optometrists in Scotland have collaborated with RNIB Scotland to produce a video explaining what blind and partially sighted people can expect when visiting their local optometry practice.
WorldUpsideDown: How RNIB is calling for tailored guiding advice
Measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus turned the "World Upside Down" for blind and partially sighted people. New layouts to streets and shops have been implemented at the same time as restrictions affecting how close you can get to other people.