Reports and Insight
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Employment of people with sight loss in 2022
Secondary analysis of the Labour Force Survey
Sight loss and the minimum cost of living 2024
This paper examines the impact of inflation for people with sight loss on these additional costs over time, focusing on three key points: 2016, 2022, and 2024.
UK benefit uptake among blind and partially sighted people
This new research shows a substantial deficit in the take-up of disability benefits among people who are registered blind or partially sighted due to multiple barriers, including poor communication and the challenge of getting to face-to-face appointments. Around one in four blind and partially sighted people (83,000) in the UK are not getting disability benefits they are entitled to.
Voice of the customer report: Utilities and Technology
Insights into the lives of blind and partially sighted people in the UK and the issues that matter most to them. Key insights cover VI people’s experiences with Utility providers, and the benefits and barriers to using technology.
Voice of the customer report 1
Insights into the lives of blind and partially sighted people in the UK and the issues that matter most to them. Key insights cover the negative impact of lockdown, the persistence of cliché and the potential for technology to change lives. First in a quarterly series.
Voice of the customer report: Finance and cost of living
Insights into the lives of blind and partially sighted people in the UK and the issues that matter most to them. Key insights cover blind and partially sighted people’s experience of finance services and the impact of the cost of living crisis.
VI Lives – understanding the experiences of people living with vision impairment
We’ve teamed up with two other leading charities to produce a new in-depth report into the experiences of visually impaired people in the UK. The report is called VI Lives and is based on hundreds of conversations with people who live with a vision impairment.
The impacts of the Cost of Living crisis for people with sight loss
Rapid rises in the cost of living are having a bigger impact on blind and partially sighted people. People with sight loss already face additional, unavoidable costs like taxi journeys, assistive technology and support in the home.
The economic impact of sight loss and blindness in the UK adult population
Deloitte Access Economics (Australia) was commissioned by the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) to update the 2009 Access Economics report on the economic impact of sight loss and blindness in the UK adult population, including the direct and indirect costs of sight loss and blindness, and the burden of sight loss and blindness on health.