Eye clinic staff and volunteers
We can help anyone working in eye clinics including ophthalmologists, ophthalmic nurses and early intervention staff and volunteers understand more about how to offer support to patients newly diagnosed with sight loss and those who return to the eye clinic for ongoing treatment.

Often eye clinic patients can find dealing with the emotional and practical impact of changes to their sight to be overwhelming. Eye clinic staff and volunteers are often the first point of contact for people coping with sight loss and have an important role in providing practical information, emotional support and in signposting other services.
Eye Care Liaison Officers (ECLOs)
Having an Eye Care Liaison Officer (formerly known as Eye Clinic Liaison Officers) is one of the most effective ways of supporting patients in eye clinics. ECLOs are key in helping patients understand the impact of their diagnosis and providing them with emotional and practical support. Find out more about ECLOs role, the benefits of having an ECLO and where your nearest ECLO is based.
Working in an eye clinic? Keep up to date with our courses and events!
We are committed to helping early intervention staff and volunteers reach a common standard of knowledge and care. That’s why we run a variety of courses and networks to support the development of the ECLO and other early intervention roles, and connect them to like-minded peers across England. Join our training events and networks now!
Information and guidance
We provide the latest guidance and information to support you in your role. This includes:
- Certification and Registration guidance
- Quality standards
- Good practice guidance
- Information on the Low Vision Services Assessment Framework
- How to set up a sight loss adviser service in your area
Sight loss: What we needed to know
Download this helpful information guide put together by people who've experienced losing their sight and published by a range of organisations that support people with sight loss.
Sightline Directory
Find local services and organisations that help blind and partially sighted people in the UK.